爱游戏体育:fruit juice for the water and add mangoes

Ry3mYIM0l77yV0nv 11 2024-09-28 13:30:00


  You may wonder what exactly the professional athletes eat for breakfast to be able to perform impressive physical feats. The short answer: It depends. Brittany Dunn, a chef for the Philadelphia Eagles, has found that what professional athletes eat varies widely among athletes and the sports they play.


  “I have worked with an athlete who prefers two boiled eggs with peanut butter toast and a coffee, an athlete who prefers an acai bowl and sauteed veggies, and an athlete who orders two breakfast sandwiches and tater tots,” she told HuffPost. “The contrasting characteristics of athlete breakfasts are heavily influenced by personal preferences and diets, the amount of time between eating and the following training session, body composition and sport,” she said.


  In her experience, most athletes eat the same breakfast before every competition. “Game day is not the day to try new foods,” she said. Additionally, having a consistent breakfast routine can help professional athletes feel more mentally prepared for the day ahead.


  As for general caloric needs, professional athletes need to consume more than the average person given the amount of energy they’re using in their respective sports, and to help with recovery. Dunn said she has worked with an athlete who required a 1,000-calorie recovery smoothie post-training, plus three to four additional meals throughout the day.


  “We really need to put a lot of fuel into athletes, so we might give them things like juice or even candy to make them feel more hungry,” Dr. Marc Bubbs, a nutritionist with a portfolio of Olympic athletes, told HuffPost.


  Bubbs explained that the more intense your exercise, the greater your reliance on carbohydrates, so professional athletes simply need more carbohydrates in their system. The male athletes he’s worked with need about 4,000 calories a day while the general recommendation for the average person is around 2,000 calories per day.


  While the average person might make a smoothie for breakfast with water, protein powder and berries, a professional athlete might substitute fruit juice for the water and add mangoes, pineapples and bananas to up the carb content. The key concept here, Bubbs explained, is fueling for the demands of an athlete each day, whether that’s competition, practice or even rest.



  1. feat  n. 壮举

  2. acai  n. 巴西莓

  3. sauteed veggies  清炒蔬菜;炒时蔬

  4. tater tots  土豆丸子

  5. caloric  adj. 热量的

  6. smoothie  n. 果汁;加奶(或冰激凌)果汁

  7. portfolio  n. 系列产品,系列服务;代表作品集

  8. carbohydrate  n. 碳水化合物

  9. substitute  v. (以……)代替;替代


  You may wonder what exactly the professional athletes eat for breakfast to be able to perform impressive physical feats. The short answer: It   1  . Brittany Dunn, a chef for the Philadelphia Eagles, has found that what professional athletes eat varies widely among athletes and the sports they play.

  “I have worked with an athlete who prefers two boiled eggs with peanut butter toast and a coffee, an athlete who prefers an acai bowl and sauteed veggies, and an athlete who   2   two breakfast sandwiches and tater tots,” she told HuffPost. “The contrasting characteristics of athlete breakfasts are heavily   3   by personal preferences and diets, the amount of time between eating and the following training session, body composition and sport,” she said.

  In her experience, most athletes eat the same breakfast before every competition. “Game day is not the day to try new foods,” she said. Additionally, having a   4   breakfast routine can help professional athletes feel more mentally prepared for the day ahead.

  As for general caloric needs, professional athletes need to consume more than the average person   5   the amount of energy they’re using in their respective sports, and to help with recovery. Dunn said she has worked with an athlete who   6   a 1,000-calorie recovery smoothie post-training, plus three to four additional meals throughout the day.

  “We really need to put a lot of fuel into athletes, so we might give them things like juice or even candy to make them feel more   7  ,” Dr爱游戏官网. Marc Bubbs, a nutritionist with a portfolio of Olympic athletes, told HuffPost.

  Bubbs explained that the more intense your exercise, the greater your   8   on carbohydrates, so professional athletes simply need more carbohydrates in their system. The male athletes he’s worked with need about 4,000 calories a day while the general recommendation for the average person is around 2,000 calories per day.

  While the average person might make a smoothie for breakfast with water, protein powder and berries, a professional athlete might substitute fruit juice for the water and add mangoes, pineapples and bananas to up the carb content. The key   9   here, Bubbs explained, is fueling for the demands of an athlete each day, whether that’s   10  , practice or even rest.


  1. depends 

  2. orders 

  3. influenced 

  4. consistent 

  5. given

  6. required 

  7. hungry 

  8. reliance 

  9. concept 

  10. competition


  You may wonder what exactly the professional athletes eat for breakfast to be able to perform impressive physical feats. The short answer: It depends. Brittany Dunn, a chef for the Philadelphia Eagles, has found that   1   professional athletes eat varies widely among athletes and the sports they play.

  “I have worked with an athlete who prefers two   2   (boil) eggs with peanut butter toast and a coffee, an athlete who prefers an acai bowl and sauteed veggies, and an athlete who orders two breakfast sandwiches and tater tots,” she told HuffPost. “The contrasting characteristics of athlete breakfasts are   3   (heavy) influenced by personal preferences and diets, the amount of time between eating and the following training session, body composition and sport,” she said.

  In her experience, most athletes eat the same breakfast before every competition. “Game day is not the day to try new foods,” she said. Additionally,   4   (have) a consistent breakfast routine can help professional athletes feel more   5   (mental) prepared for the day ahead.

  As for general caloric needs, professional athletes need to consume more than the average person given the amount of energy they’re using in their respective sports, and to help with recovery. Dunn said she has worked with an athlete who required a 1,000-calorie recovery smoothie post-training, plus three to four   6   (addition) meals throughout the day.

  “We really need   7   (put) a lot of fuel into athletes, so we might give them things like juice or even candy to make them feel more hungry,” Dr. Marc Bubbs, a nutritionist with a portfolio of Olympic athletes, told HuffPost.

  Bubbs explained that the more intense your exercise, the   8   (great) your reliance on carbohydrates, so professional athletes simply need more carbohydrates in their system. The male athletes he’s worked with need about 4,000 calories a day while the general   9   (recommend) for the average person is around 2,000 calories per day.

  While the average person might make a smoothie for breakfast with water, protein powder and berries, a professional athlete might substitute fruit juice for the water and add mangoes, pineapples and bananas to up the carb content. The key concept here, Bubbs explained, is fueling for the demands of an athlete each day,   10   that’s competition, practice or even rest.


  1. what 

  2. boiled 

  3. heavily 

  4. having 

  5. mentally

  6. additional 

  7. to put 

  8. greater 

  9. recommendation 

  10. whether


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